Monday 11 April 2011


So, I just made my first successful batch of macarons! About ruddy time too!!

It didnt start off well though. Due to my excessive number of previous batches, my almond supply was running low. So low, that I only had enough for a third of a batch. (50g). So, I had to measure everything VERY precisely... separating my egg whites into two bowls of 18g. So if you think egg white separation is normally fiddly, this was even more frustrating!

So yeah, I followed the recipe, with a third of everything, having to add 12g of water! Thank goodness for digital scales!

I tried to make white chocolate and raspberry macarons... but kinda mucked up the ganache (first time that has happened)... so if its not the shells that  fail on, its the ganache! (it was just a little too runny for my likings... I mean... with chocolate and cream, you can't go all that wrong)

I only remembered to take one photo! So with my next batch, I will take photographic evidence of every step and add it to the recipe.

So, here are my piped beauties! And yes, due to my almond problem, they were all I had. (You can imagine how scared I was to put them in the oven. If the temp was wrong, or I forgot about them.. they'd be ruined with none to fall back on!

But, fundamentally they worked out well.

And now, finally, I can start to make all the sun flavours and colours and really experiment... WOOHOO... it paid off!

Next batch, I promise more pics!

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