Thursday 14 April 2011

Ganache ganache ganache!

Hiya macaroners,

I am going to a mates for a dinner party tonight, and I thought, 'why don't i take some macarons?'... They look great, (will hopefully taste good), and saves his doing pudding. Now then, the food menu seems to be very italian based... anti-passti, pizza and a homemade ice cream cake. Can anyone help me out and let me know exactly what an ice cream cake is? Clueless over here.

So... I have my chocolate macarons from the other day. I also realised that i made a mistake with the ganache. Last time I used 1:1 ratio of choc to cream... and it didn't set. In a previous ganache (chocoale passionfruit) it was 4:2:1 choc:passionfruit i decided to add some butter to my ganache. Not much... but enough.. and now it is too hard for my liking! So... for my next ganache I am going to use 2:1 choc:cream. If there is any more liquid added (i.e. juice etc.) then I am going to experiment by adding a LITTLE amount of butter to compensate for it!

I'll let you know how to goes!

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